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Duplicate File Remover Changes History
Duplicate File Remover v. 3.1 2012-01-13
+ A lot of small changes and corrections
Duplicate File Remover v. 3.0 2011-11-17
+ Logging of all events, incuding warnings and errors (DuplicateFileRemover.log)
+ Reduced load on the processor during data collection
File types:
+ Changed the choice of file types to search. You can edit the group, group may contain not only files but also other groups, and so indefinitely.
+ Added a convenient editor to modify file types
+ New file types can be added by direct XML file editing
+ The list of file types and groups was significantly expanded
+ Reworked the advanced settings to remove unnecessary settings, increased speed of the directories exclusion
Duplicates List:
+ Find duplicates step reorganized, expanded work area with duplicate files list
+ Reworked presentation of duplicates in a more informative tree, increased speed
+ Removed a tree structure of folders as it did not carry much meaning and reduce interface speed
+ Added file information preview (name of songs, pictures, etc. from the plug-ins)
+ Search for duplicate files (on 6-th step) in the upper right corner of the window (Searches all fields, case-insensitive search button below F2. Useful if you need to navigate through some files and pressing the space bar to mark them)
+ Added support for plug-ins enhance the ability to search duplicates
+ Plugin for processing images
+ Plugin compares text files on the first 5 lines of text
+ Plugin to compare mp3 tags
+ Plugin to compare html files by tags
Duplicate File Remover v. 2.7 2011-08-25
- New program activation system
Duplicate File Remover v. 2.6 2011-04-27
- Minor corrections and bug fixes
Duplicate File Remover v. 2.5 2011-03-11
+ Search speed improved
- Minor corrections and bug fixes
Duplicate File Remover v. 2.4 2010-07-30
+ Network files and folders now are shown in list and can be searched for duplicates
+ Added user notification if new program release is available
+ Portuguese language added
Duplicate File Remover v. 2.3 2010-06-18
+ Added an option of automatically deleting empty folders from which duplicates have been (re)moved
+ Added automatic modification of identical filenames while copying/moving duplicates, as in "[-123-]filename"
+ Arabic, Bulgarian, French, Kazakh, Spanish, Ukrainian languages added
Duplicate File Remover v. 2.2 2010-05-21
+ Added new rules for original/duplicate files auto-selection
Duplicate File Remover v. 2.1 2010-04-21
- Fixed a problem with deletion of files under restricted access (non administrator) user accounts (Vista/Seven)
Duplicate File Remover v. 2.0 2010-01-26
+ Redesigned for the modern .NET platform
+ Improved program interface and graphics
+ Better Unicode support
Duplicate File Remover v. 1.6 2008-04-14
+ Unicode support added
+ Reference Folder(s) button replaced with Fast Selection dialog
+ Speeded up processing of Excluded Folders
+ Rewritten algorithm of adding files to results list
+ Two new items in file-related menu
Duplicate File Remover v. 1.5 2008-03-18
+ Added a text-based indicator of byte-for-byte comparison – especially relevant for large-size files
- Fixed a bug that could cause searching for duplicates to hang
- Fixed an error that could interfere with Delete/Copy/Move/HardLink operations
- Fixed algorithm of ascertaining whether a file is locked by another process/application
Duplicate File Remover v. 1.4 2007-12-17
+ Option of reference folders introduced against which other selected sources can be compared for duplicates, with tree-like representation of search results
+ Report creation algorithm modified
+ Search window enhanced (refreshed every 0.5 s, more statistics shown)
+ Handling of zero-size files improved
+ English.lng updated, Chinese Simplified, Dutch, and Francais languages added
– Large file size calculation error fixed, files over 4GB in size are now processed correctly
– Fixed an error that could impede HardLinking
– Removed shimmering of parts of GUI during search
– Some other minor GUI amendments
– Fixed a bug that could disable the Next button after search
– Advanced settings algorithm streamlined
– Fixed a COM server registration error related to Windows Explorer integration in Vista
Duplicate File Remover v. 1.3.2 2007-10-09
+ Streamlined processing of Excluded Folders
+ Data storage algorithm optimized, enabling faster search
+ 9-level storage of source files implemented, preventing search speed from decreasing whenever huge numbers of files are involved
+ A new, faster algorithm of probable duplicates selection introduced, reducing noticeably the overall search time
+ Thread synchronization algorithm optimized
– Fixed several multilingualism problems when some parts of the interface failed to get translated when switching languages
– Fixed erroneous processing of Excluded Folders (especially relevant to Windows Vista)
– Fixed an error when moving from a finished job to a new one
– Fixed a bug when checking items in the file list at Step 2
– Fixed the "Search string cannot be blank" error
– Fixed a bug when processing file extension lists
– Fixed an error that caused a drain on system resources
Duplicate File Remover v. 1.3.1 2007-08-13
+ Optimized the file-handling algorithm resulting in increased search speed
– Fixed an error that caused the code to loop and the program to hang
– Fixed an error in putting together the results report in HTML
Duplicate File Remover v. 1.3 2007-07-24
+ Checkboxes can now be controlled with the space key
+ File list is populated faster
+ Windows Explorer right-click menu integration (except Windows Vista)
+ Improved handling of ANSI characters in filenames
+ NTFS file system operations streamlined
+ Files lacking read access for any reason are now processed correctly without freezing
+ English.lng updated to v.1.3, Danish language added
– Fixed program errors caused by modified dpi settings
– Fixed algorithm errors when handling the extensions list in advanced settings
– ntdll.dll-related bug fixed
– Search time calculation error fixed
Duplicate File Remover v. 1.2 2007-05-22
+ Search time counter added
+ Numerous file formats added. The following is now enabled by default:
DOCUMENTS (txt, c, cpp, h, hpp, pas, dpr, inc, ini, log, bat, cmd, inf, url, php, php2, php3, def, dsp, dsw, dpk, dpkw, bpg, bpr, mak, bas, tex, css, js, pm, awk, cla, clw, for, prg, spr, mpr, java, cgi, cls, sty, v, wrl,sh, sql, cfg, ctl, ion, diz, nfo, bbs, cnt, md5, sfv, manifest, uue, xxe, pdf, doc, xls,htm, html, chm, djvu, rtf, pwi, wps, dot, mht, xml, 3ds, max, eml)
PICTURES AND PHOTOS (bmp, cr2, crw, dcr, djvu, dng, emf, eps, erf, fpx, gif, icl, icn, ico, iff, jp2, jpc, jpeg, jpg, mrw, nef, orf, pbm, pcd, pcx, pef, pgm, pic, pict, pix, png, ppm, psd, psp, raf, ras, raw, rs, sgi, srf, tga, tif, tiff, ttf, wbmp, wmf, xbm, xpm)
MUSIC (cda, mid, midi, rmi, kar, miz, mod, mdz, nst, stm, stz, s3m, s3z, it, itz, xm, xmz, mtm, ult, 669, far, amf, okt; ptm, mp3, mp2, mp1, aac, apl, vlb, m4a, m4b, ogg, aif, au, avr, caf, htk, iff, mat, paf, pvf, raw, sd2, sds, sf, voc, w64, wav, xi, wma, asx, wax, wmx, wvx, wpl, b4s, mmf)
VIDEO (3g2, 3gp, amc, amr, asf, avi, bwf, cdda, cel, dif, dv, flc, fli, flv, sgm, m15, m1a, m1v, m2a, m3u, m4a, m4b, m4p, m75, mov, mp2, mp2v, mp4, mpa, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpv, mpv2, pics, qcp, qt, qtpf, sd2, sdv, sfil, smi, smil, sml, swa, swf, ulw, vfw, vob, wmv, divx)
+ Animation added to the file search database window
+ Separate options to skip hidden and system files/folders in Additional parameters
+ Names of the files are now shown that are being deleted/copied/moved
+ Additional parameters window opens faster
+ english.lng updated
– Fixed an error while loading an incorrectly formatted lng file
– Fixed a bug that caused searching for duplicates to stop
– Fixed a problem with identical tag/title searches
– Resolved an error while moving/copying a file to itself
– Fixed checkbox behavior after pressing Cancel in the Confirm dialog
– Fixed Last Modified date detection algorithm
Duplicate File Remover v. 1.1 2007-04-23
+ Open with… added to the file menu
+ If no application is associated with a file being opened, the program will offer to choose one from a list (similar to Open with…)
+ % completed is now displayed in window header and Windows status bar during search
+ Tray icon can be double-clicked to minimize/restore the program window, and also displays a hint with % completed and number of finds
+ Tray icon menu reworked to mirror the main window menu button, with additional Hide, Show, and Close commands
+ CPU load reduced considerably by thread optimization without affecting search speed
+ Delete, Copy, Move and HardLink buttons are left-adjusted
+ Desktop removed from the list of excluded folders
+ Speed of search greatly increased
+ Hyperlinks attached to files in reports – it is now possible not only to read a report, but also open the files in it
+ Optimized algorithm of searching for music files by tags (mp3, ID3V1, ID3V2, ogg, wma)
+ Number of found files shown in duplicate file lists
+ Excluded folders no longer appear in duplicate file lists, leading to faster operation
Duplicate File Remover v. 1.0 2007-04-02
+ First release
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